Our Research

Our Research - Making Change

To support the ongoing development of Gerri’s Place as a viable complementary service for those experiencing life challenges, a research team led by Michael John Norton, was formed to undertake an internal evaluation of Gerri’s Place.

​A mixed method evaluation, including a pre and post-test design, was deemed most suitable. Through the use of relevant scales, participants will receive an online survey one week prior to the retreat and then again one month after the study weekend. The aim is to examine whether there are improvements in one’s mental well-being that can be directly correlated to activities undertaken in Gerri’s Place. Additionally, a qualitative element will be utilised to gather the experiences of individuals regarding the retreat.

About the Research.

Our Research

Gerri’s Place: A Pre-Post-Test Mixed Method Evaluation of A Complementary Mental Health Early Intervention & Prevention Initiative


Research uses a mixed method approach in order to evaluate the effectiveness of Gerri's Place retreats on a person's psychological well-being. It is divided into three essential components. A pre-test questionnaire, 10 days before the retreat commences. A post-test questionnaire, one month after the last day of the retreat. An interview, between the last day of the retreat and one month, post-retreat. The quantitative element of the study includes the DASS-21 scale. A validated instrument used to measure presence and severity of depression, anxiety, and stress in an individual. The qualitative element includes a semi-structured interview where experiences of Gerri's Place retreats are collected.

The Research Team

Principal Investigator: Michael John Norton, Research Volunteers: Aishling Keane, Shannon Lanz and Serena Voluttoso. 

Latest News:

At present, 20 pre-questionnaires, 17 post-questionnaires, and 9 interviews have been completed. The research team is also busy conducting a systematic review of alternative mental health supports to contextualize Gerri's Place within the broader literature. The final included studies have been identified, and the team is now working through quality and comparative appraisals. The final report is being drafted, with the methodology already completed. Work on the literature review section of the report is ongoing, along with continued data collection for the findings chapter.